The Digital Laundry Room

Livit launched the Digital Laundry Room pilot project in July 2020, involving three properties and almost 20 tenants. At the end of October 2021, the company further rolled out the Digital Laundry Room project. Just over 100 tenants will benefit from the advantages of this innovation. 

How does the Digital Laundry Room work?

Tenants and landlords have individual access to an online portal. Having logged in, tenants are able to see whether the washing machines or tumble dryers are available, select the appliances and book them. Billing is also carried out via the system – tenants are able to purchase credits (online or using payment slips), so they no longer need to collect coins and laundry cards don’t need to be handled by the caretaker. As soon as the washer or dryer is finished, the tenant receives a notification on their phone – a huge bonus if they have a few floors to go up and down. 

The technology is provided by Elektron, whose solution offers the benefit of being compatible with different appliance manufacturers. Factors such as flexibility and authentic Swiss character were strong additional plus points for the Elektron solution. 

Tenants, management companies and owners benefit in equal measure

The advantage for tenants is obvious – they benefit from the convenience the new system offers. Livit and owners benefit by being able to pre-determine wash times or block off the machines for repairs and maintenance. Administrative work is reduced to a minimum and a dashboard provides an overview of usage.