Property owner

Livit can provide you with the best of everything that real estate management has to offer. As experts in property management, property-related fiduciary services and lettings management we have the benefit of the latest knowledge driven by the Livit culture: Commitment with a smile, professionalism with enthusiasm, prudence and vision in everything we do for you.

Our goal is quality and shaping the future. We exceed your expectations.

Our programme of services is modular. That means you can structure it according to your needs and the task in question. It includes everything from advice to market analysis, through optimising returns to the management of facilities and operating costs.

Our services focus on the needs of owners and their tenants. We therefore set great store on maximum individualisation and include megatrends and property and market data in our considerations. We make use of the opportunities of digital and personal networking to safeguard your property’s profitability for a long future.

Added value through improved performance – the Livit service model: