The Plaines du Loup eco-district

Energy-efficient living in the north of Lausanne

A total of 96 housing units have been constructed on the 8,000 m2 Plaines du Loup site in the north of Lausanne. A 3,500 m2 commercial space was also planned to complement the attractive apartments. The sustainable building complex has received the Minergie P-ECO and SméO labels. The latter – a stricter version of the Swiss-wide label ‘2000-watt site’ – is awarded by the City of Lausanne.

Fully occupied

Livit Lausanne was entrusted with the marketing and first-time rental of the modern residential and commercial premises. The well-connected new build was gratefully received by the prospective tenants. Livit Lausanne was able to hand over all residential units and half of the commercial space to happy new tenants weeks before the official move-in date in September 2023.

We have time for you

Get in touch with us.

Livit SA
Real Estate Management
Av. de Montchoisi 35
Case postale 1007
1001 Lausanne

T +41 58 360 30 60



Jameson Da Rocha Head of branch
Yannick Jutzler Head of Department Letting Management Central/West