Need to adjust the reference interest rate? Contact us as a tenant with any queries via our tenant portal myLivit.

Frequently asked questions

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After you moved in, we will have emailed you the property handover checklist. The items on the checklist are intended as guidance for reporting any defects. If you identify any other defects in the property, please report them to us within 14 days by directly responding to this email.

Emergencies are damage caused by natural events, damage to the interior or exterior of a building that could be dangerous, criminal activities, damage to pipes that involves leaks and interruptions to your electricity, gas, water and heating supply. In these cases, you can contact us outside office hours and at the weekend using the emergency hotline number displayed in the entrance area.

You can notify us of any defects in a new-build property in writing within 14 days of moving in. If you discover any other defects or damage after this period has passed, please always report them to us immediately using the contact form or by emailing and include your address.

Rent reductions granted because of a defect or damage are governed by Swiss tenancy law. Please note that such claims commence from the date the landlord becomes aware of the defect. Hence, please notify us of any defects and damage without delay using the contact form or by emailing and include your address.

Damage must be reported immediately after being discovered. This applies in particular to damage caused by natural events (e.g. hail, storms), water damage, mould, etc. The best way of submitting the damage report is by using the contact form or by emailing

Please contact us using the contact form or by emailing Your repair order will then be allocated to the caretaker or appropriate supplier.

Please notify us using the contact form or by emailing if you have lost your key and include your address.

In some cases, it may only be necessary to replace the key, in others, the entire locking system. This is why the costs involved can differ. Please contact your liability insurance provider to discuss who will be liable for any associated costs.

Under tenancy law, tenants are required to repair minor defects themselves if performing the repair or replacing the item does not require any special equipment or expertise. These minor repairs include, for example:

  • Replacing kitchen and bathroom accessories (e.g. baking trays, refrigerator accessories such as egg trays, kitchen extractor fan filters, toothbrush holders, shower curtain rails, toilet seats and lids etc.) – please ask your Livit advisor for the makes and item numbers
  • Unblocking drains, if possible with simple actions
  • Tightening loose screws on sockets
  • Replacing light bulbs (bathroom, kitchen)
  • Cleaning window shutters and the balcony or patio, provided this is not dangerous if there is no railing
  • Greasing hinges

In the event of more serious damage, please contact us using the contact form or by emailing Please note the corresponding provisions in your rental agreement.

The formula for the relative method of rent adjustment is based on a model developed by the Federal Office for Housing. If the reference interest rate drops by a quarter of one percent, this will result in a rent reduction of 2.91%. In addition to the reference interest rate, 40% of the inflation rate (National Consumer Price Index) and cost increases may also be passed on to the rent. This can vary depending on the contract and the individual circumstances.

The reference interest rate is an indicator of mortgage interest rates in Switzerland. It is used as a basis for calculating rents. If the reference interest rate drops, tenants are generally entitled to a rent reduction.