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Frequently asked questions

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In the past, the TV cable connection fee used to be included in the ancillary costs. These days, this fee is often included in tenants’ phone contracts. Please let us know if your TV cable connection fee is included in your phone contract to avoid being charged twice.

The purpose of the house rules is to keep the property safe, clean and tidy and to make sure residents are considerate towards each other. For these reasons, it is important that everyone observes the house rules out of respect for one another.

When a number of people live close together, it is very important for people to be considerate and tolerant towards each other. The first thing to do is always to talk directly to your neighbour. You could, for example, ask them to turn down their music.

If talking to them doesn't produce a change, please notify us of your concerns in writing. In that case, we will work to achieve a mutually acceptable solution.

After you moved in, we will have emailed you the property handover checklist. The items on the checklist are intended as guidance for reporting any defects. If you identify any other defects in the property, please report them to us within 14 days by directly responding to this email.

Emergencies are damage caused by natural events, damage to the interior or exterior of a building that could be dangerous, criminal activities, damage to pipes that involves leaks and interruptions to your electricity, gas, water and heating supply. In these cases, you can contact us outside office hours and at the weekend using the emergency hotline number displayed in the entrance area.

Termination dates and notification periods for terminating a tenancy are defined separately for every tenancy. The dates and periods that apply to your tenancy are set out in your tenancy agreement.

The most effective way to prevent damage caused by damp is to regularly ventilate  your property. However, there are a few things to bear in mind when doing this, because constantly opening tilt windows, for example, can be counterproductive. Please take a look here for tips on properly ventilating a property. 

During business hours, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, please contact your property manager in the event of an emergency. Outside business hours, please contact us using the emergency hotline number. All of the contact details are displayed in the entrance area of your property.

All available parking spaces are listed on our website. Found a parking space and would like to apply for it? If so, simply complete the online form. We will then review your application as quickly as possible.

Fibre optic connections are not yet available in all properties. The fibre optic connection socket is normally located in the living room next to the TV socket and near a power socket. Look out for the OTO ID, which you will need to give to your telephone company. Every property has its own unique OTO ID and it should be on either the power socket or in the fuse box.