Need to adjust the reference interest rate? Contact us as a tenant with any queries via our tenant portal myLivit.

Frequently asked questions

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If you haven't yet signed your rental agreement, it will be shown to you as soon as you log in. If you have already signed it, you will unfortunately not be able to view the current version of the agreement for technical reasons. Instead, you will have been sent the new agreement(s) by email. We are working on making it possible for you to view them online very soon. Many thanks for your understanding.

You can view the rental agreement on the myLivit tenant portal, where you can agree to the provisions of the contract with the Swipe function and digitally sign it, which will make it legally binding.

If you have already submitted the form, a correction is no longer possible. In this case, look for the confirmation e-mail with the subject "Confirmation of receipt of your application". Reply directly to this e-mail and inform us of your changes.

We have not yet been able to add all tenants to myLivit. You will be sent an email with your login details as soon as you have been added to the tenant portal. You can then use them to register on myLivit and start using its features.

Once your application for a property has been approved, you will receive an email with your login details and a link to the tenant portal. However, please note that we have not yet added all tenants to myLivit, so you may not yet be able to access myLivit at the moment.

Watch the video (currently in German only) and learn how to save as an app on your home screen. 

Enter in your browser window and click on the ‘Register’ button. Follow the step-by-step instructions. After you have successfully registered, we will verify your details and activate your account as soon as possible.